Fees and Charges


Please be advised the Parish Council have reviewed the fees and charges for the Garden of Remembrance.

The new charges will come into effect on Monday 1st April 2024.

  Any  Interment of cremated remains:  £150.00
  Exclusive rights:  £250.00
  Any second interment:  £150.00
 Monuments  Stone for ashes plot:  £150.00
   For each inscription thereafter: £100.00
   Rose bush (to plant on borders):                              £100.00
   Tree (to plant on borders):                                          £100.00
   Bench (at Parish Council’s discretion):                £400.00

The above fees are applicable to residents of the Parish of Sible Hedingham, and past residents who moved away less than 2 years prior to death.

The above fees will be doubled for non residents, except in the case of a second interment.

Fees are reviewed annually on April 1st.

For clarification or queries of any matter relating to the Garden of Remembrance, please contact the Parish Clerk, Mrs Glenda McCoyd on 01787 462568 or by email to: clerk@siblehedinghampc.org.uk