Financial Help

Guidelines for S137 PAYMENTS

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 allows local authorities, including Parish Councils, to incur expenditure which will bring direct benefit to their area or any part of it, or to all or some of its inhabitants.

Sible Hedingham Parish Council budgets for an amount of money (not large) to be spent in this way each year. Applicants may be individuals, charities or groups. When assessing an application the Parish Council will take some or all of the following into consideration:

• The use to which the money will be put and the consequent benefits to the community.

• Whether match-funding is being offered (this includes volunteer labour)

• Will the sum be in proportion to the percentage of the population who will benefit?

• If the applicant is a group which includes members from outside Sible Hedingham,

  has funding been sought from the other areas represented?

• If, after receiving S137 money, a further application is made in a subsequent year,

  what efforts have been made to become self-sufficient?

• Are audited accounts available?

The decision to award S137 money will be made by the full council and that decision shall be final. Unsuccessful applicants are, however free to re-apply the following year.

Applications should be made in writing to:

Sible Hedingham Parish Council

75 Swan St Sible Hedingham


or by email to:

Applications may be assessed by a relevant committee of the Parish Council before being referred to full Council and applicants should be aware that, as the Council meets only once a month, decisions will not be instantaneous.